Membership Categories:
Honorary Members
Honorary Members and personalities may include the President & CEO of Dubai Chamber of Commerce and Industry, or any other personalities that the Board of Directors may decide by majority vote that are appropriate to be invited to join the SPA as Honorary Members. Members under this Category are exempted from paying any Membership Fee.

Membership benefits:
- Obtaining a membership card
- Inclusion of the name among the members of Sharia Professionals Association
- Free subscription to everything issued by the SPA
- A special discount for attending scientific events organized by SPA for registered individuals
- Join SPA mailing list
- The benefiting from all the booklets issued by SPA (scientific periodicals and magazines) in the field of Islamic banking
- Giving priority to registered individuals to attend all SPA’s activities and events, such as annual meetings, seminars, workshops, training courses, and others
- Ability to get acquainted with fellow professionals, specialists, experts, bodies and organizations in the field of Islamic banking and exchange ideas and information with them
- Develop skills related to Islamic finance, learn about the new and useful in the field of the Islamic financial industry
- Giving the member an advisory capacity
- Attend annual meetings without voting