Sheikh Abdullah Tariq Al-Shuaib
Specialized in Sharia auditing and Sharia compliance, with extensive experience in Islamic finance and Islamic financial instruments. An expert in policies, procedures, Sharia auditing systems, and Sharia risk management.
His professional career spans 20 years, including 17 years in the field of Sharia auditing for Islamic banks, investment companies, and Takaful insurance companies. He is a certified Sharia auditor by the Central Bank of Kuwait, the Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions (AAOIFI), and the General Council for Islamic Banks and Financial Institutions (CIBAFI). He is a board member (founder) of the Sharia Auditors Association in Kuwait and a board member (founder) of the Union of Private Sector Employees in Kuwait. He is also a certified trainer at the Institute of Banking Studies in Kuwait and one of the authors of the book “Fundamentals of Sharia Control and Auditing for Islamic Financial Institutions” approved by the Central Bank of Kuwait.
He currently holds the position of Assistant General Manager of Internal Sharia Audit at United Ahli Bank in Kuwait and is a member of the Scientific Committee at the Sharia Professionals Association.
Assistant General Manager I Shariah Audit Ahli United Bank I Kuwait